balanced living · Culture · Holistic Success · sky high · Spirit Level

Love is Quantum

Today we start a series of pieces from beautiful books and new authors that we are following... "Love is Quantum: There is value in the collection of strange and inspiring tales of missed first meetings, jumbled phone calls and crossed paths that add up to what frequently comes to be love.  People think it would… Continue reading Love is Quantum

balanced living · careers · research · sky high · Success

Wise words for the job hunter old or young

  Do something you’re passionate about. This isn’t the same as “follow your passion.” Most of us have many interests; few will lead to a paycheck. Instead, if you haven’t already, think  one potential advantage rests in your willingness to throw yourself into a job. Put differently, you’ll be more likely to work harder if you… Continue reading Wise words for the job hunter old or young